Kratos Micro Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement is being produced according to the EN 14889-2 Class I standard and provides superior results in terms of preventing early age plastic and long-term drying shrinkage cracks. It minimizes the formation of cracks due to heat and shrinkage and improves structural integrity.
Areas of Use
Apart from its application in ready-mixed concrete and shotcrete, Kratos Micro can be used in all cement-based composite materials, including semi-dry floor screed applications, interior and exterior plaster applications, and similar applications.
As a result of accredited tests conducted at Aachen University in Germany, it has been proved that the use of 300 g/m³ dosage prevents 67% of the shrinkage cracks.
Kratos Micro Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement may be dispensed as water-soluble bags that can be dosed or supplied in big-bags, which are scaled according to project requirements.
Technical Specifications
Kratos Micro | Characteristic Properties |
Fiber Class | EN 14889-2 Class I |
Density (gr/cm³) | 1.38 |
Length (mm) | 12 |
Filament Diameter (mm) | 17-21 |
Tensile Stress (MPa) | 800-1100 |
Resistance to Corrosion | High |
Melting Point [oC] | 255-265 |
Number of Fibers / kg | 200 Million |
Fiber Type | Monofilament |
Kratos Micro Plastic Shrinkage
Kratos Micro PS is a high-performance polymer-based monofilament micro synthetic fiber reinforcement that provides effective crack control against short-term plastic shrinkage with its 3-dimensional homogeneous distribution property in concrete. Kratos Micro PS is locally manufactured according to EN 14889-2 Class 1 standard with Kordsa engineering.
Areas of Use
Kratos Micro PS is used in all ready-mixed concrete and screed applications.
Kratos Micro PS is produced in special water-soluble packages. The standard package amount is 300 gr (0.66 lb) (±1.5%). 300 kg (660 lb) of product is shipped in one palette.